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Other Value Added Services

By having reliable service providers and suppliers, foreign as well as local investors establishing their manufacturing or warehousing operations can focus on running their business. The support team of is ready to assist you on your industrial property needs. Contact us today to find out more.

• Pemutihan, Certificate of Fitness or Certificate of Completion and Compliance issues

• Business licence from local municipal council

• Manufacturing licenceExpatriate post and Exemption for Import Duty for Machinery and Equipment application from MIDA

• MIDA Tax Incentive application

• Fire Certificate

• Machinery Handling Equipment (MHE) Suppliers and Service Providers

• Racking and automation suppliers

• Logistic and Haulage service providers, Forwarding Agents and Freight Forwarders

Open chat
Thank you for contacting us! We would love to assist in finding the right industrial real estate for you!

Do fill up your query here:

1. Name:
2. Inquiries:
3. Contact Number:
4. Email Address:
5. Company Name:
6. Please fill up one of the following so we can better assist you
A) Looking to buy industrial land ?
Please specify size of land area required in acres :
B) Looking to rent warehouse or factory
Please specify estimated building built up required in square feet :
C) Other requirements
Kindly provide details to your requirements so we can understand you better eg. nature of products manufactured or stored, timeline industrial facility required.

On working days, we usually respond within 24 hours. If you have any other queries, feel free to reach out!